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Samples:  Torah  •  Prophets  •  Writings  •  Proverbs  •  Gospels  •  Letters


Thank you to all our wonderful subscribers who have taken the time to write in and encourage us with your gracious words.  We are so blessed to know that Abba is touching you through our daily devotions together.  Thank you for allowing us into your homes, your work place, and your lives.

Below are a sampling of comments we have received over the years, followed by a few we received after reviving the devotional in 2001.

Illuminating the Word

"Oh!! How this blessed me today, I want you to know, it was sweet, sweet food for my spirit this morning... Baruch HaShem!!" — Tammy

"... your ability to see into 'the heart' continues to amaze me. Adonai speaks truth to you and you write it to us...." — Laura

"Thank you so much. This one hit dead spot on. I am a pastor, and ... I've read Matthew 5 a zillion times, but [because of your devotional] it seems to be a fresh Word today. Thank you." — Steve

Daily Hitting the Mark

"I continue to be amazed at the direct personal relevance of your Daily Devotional. This is just to say 'Thank You' again for your ministry, which is so obviously gifted by our G-d. May Adonai bless you in all your ways, all your days." —Hamilton

"I'm not certain how I came to be on your list and I'm not Jewish but I really, really love getting it. I'm so impressed by the creativity of your prayers. They daily seem to be so perfect and pertinent to my ongoing daily struggles to know God better. Thanks for all you do!!!" — Lesforlife

"Thank you for the devotional you are doing. It has been an encouragement to us many times and often with a very timely message. We have been home from Israel for 1 year now and miss the land and our congregation there quite a bit. It seems we are in a lonely place here and Messianic fellowship is very sparse, waking up to your devotional in the morning has been good. Often the e-mail is already on for me after my husband has read it before going to work and my daughter before going to college. It's a great way to start our day! Keep up the good work and blessings to you and yours." — The Tomlinson's

Ministering in Difficult Times

"Thank you so much for this morning's devotional. I was looking for an escape from some very painful circumstances. Abba used your message to speak to me. He has done so ever since I started receiving your devotional. Thank you so much for your faithful exposition of Father's Heart." — Carol

"I just wanted to let you know that I am going through a very severe time in my life right now and that the messages you have sent us, especially the last two days, have been ordered of the L-rd. Thank you so much for your ministry." — Judith

"The devotionals this week have been straight from God to my heart. Each one has spoken of the very things going on in my life, and I am grateful for such correction, encouragement, and uplifting. The Holy Spirit is truly working through you." —humcloak

"I am from... South Africa and would like to thank you for your daily portions I am receiving. I would like to encourage you to persevere in this ministry by testifying how it has helped me especially today. I am going through a crisis with my eldest child who is 21 yrs. old, had a relationship with HaShem (the Lord) but has been through a difficult 4 years with the result that I do not see the evidence of a living relationship with Jeshua. When I read today's portion I wanted to cry because I was focused again. Thank you for being obedient to what you hear HaShem saying through the Spirit." — Irma

Personal Thanks

"Dearest Kevin, Just wanted to let you know how much you blessed me *AGAIN* today w/ the devotional... Todah Raba..." — Tammy

"Thank you for such an incredibly powerful and stirring devotion... what a delight to receive this beautiful reflection this morning. Praise our LORD, for He is holy and His Name is forevermore." — Joanne

"I just want to tell you, that your devotionals have been a real inspiration to me, they have brought me closer to GOD in so many ways!!!. You are reaching so many people and without even knowing, these devotions have answered so many of my prayers, that, of course I give ALL THE GLORY TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, only because I am seeking HIM and because you have this on the Internet. HE has been truly speaking to me through these!!! It is such an outreach to so many people, including my sister, now...!" —Karen

Since We've Been Back (2001)

"Praise the Lord that your devotionals are back! They made such a huge difference in my life and I look forward to receiving more and keeping you lifted in my prayers." —Mindi

"Kevin, it's good to have you back!! missed you and the excellent devotionals!" —Marilyn, KY

"Thank you so much for reviving the devotional. It has been sorely missed, but the prospect of things to come has made the wait worthwhile. May you be blessed as never before, in the days ahead." —HL (Northern Ireland)

... and this is our favorite:


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